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Terri is on the left. Ellen is on the right. We love nature and zentangling!

Friday, February 12, 2021

Heart Tangles

Video Instructions for Drawing a Heart

Video Instructions for Drawing an Aura inside a Heart

Video Instructions for drawing "Pipes" on the heart.

A finished "Pipe" Heart
(Ellen created this tangle called "Pipe" Heart.)
A "Pipe" Heart with black accents
(Artwork by Ellen)

A "Pipe" Heart with colored accents and a small heart dangling into the heart
(Artwork by Ellen)

Video Instructions for drawing Heartswell by Helen Williams

(Artwork by Ellen)

(Artwork by Ellen)

(Artwork by Ellen)

Pipe Heart, Heartswell, String Rose and Gumleaves
(Artwork by Ellen)

Pipe Heart, Heartswell, String Rose and Gumleaves
(Artwork by Ellen)

Pipe Heart, Heartswell, String Rose and Gumleaves
(Artwork by Ellen)

Heartswell, Zinger and Heart2Heart
(Artwork by Terri)

Heartswell, Cadent, Zinger, Printemps, and Mooka
                                                          (Artwork byTerri)

Video Instructions for drawing Heartfully by Helen Williams

(Artwork by Ellen)

 Three versions of Heartfully
(Artwork by Ellen)

                                                             (Artwork by Ellen)

Heartfully drawn inside a mandala

Video Instructions for drawing Horizontal Heartlines by Helen Williams

Heartlines makes an interesting border.
(Artwork by Ellen)

Heartlines drawn around a heart
(Artwork by Terri)

Video Instructions for drawing Diagonal Heartlines by Helen Williams

                                                           Diagonal Heartlines
                                                              (Artwork by Ellen)

                             Heart Gallery                          

                                                               Artwork by Terri

                                                                      Artwork by Terri

                                                                      Artwork by Ellen

                                                                  Artwork by Ellen

Artwork by Terri

                                                                    Artwork by Terri

                                                                    Artwork by Terri

                                                                Artwork by Terri

                                                               Artwork by Terri

                                                                Artwork by Terri

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