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Monday, October 25, 2021

Meer Tangle


(This one is shaded in the traditional way, with one side of the curve colored in gently with a pencil.)
Tangle AuthorsRick Roberts and Maria Thomas

Materials needed for this lesson: Pencil, black marker and piece of paper (I divided a sheet of 8.5 x 11 inch piece of plain white paper into fourths by folding it in half lengthwise and then folding it in half again width-wise. I drew my tangle on one-fourth of the paper.)
Video Instructions for drawing Meer
Here are two strips of Meer. The bottom one is traditional Meer. The top one starts wide at the bottom and gets thinner as it moves to the top of the paper. Both are shaded with pencil along the middle line. The bottom one has shading outside the orbs. In addition, they both are shaded on the inside of the double line 
In this variation of Meer, I drew stripes instead of single lines. I also shaded around the inside of each orb.
In the Meer ribbon on  the left, I drew a series of vertical and horizontal lines. On the right one, I drew corners on the middle line, then curved the lines coming from the middle line. I didn't draw any orbs on this variation of Meer.
In this variation of Meer, I followed the middle "s" shape and then darkened a few sections along it to add interest.
This tile contains Meer, variations of Festune and Yincut. Notice the Meer in the upper left corner.

This tile contains Festune, variations of Yincut and variations of Meer.
This tile contains varations of Festune, Meer, and Yincut.

This tile by Terri was completed with colored chalk pencils, You can see that she used different colors to accent Meer, Festune and Yincut.

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